June 07, 2011


"The American people are ahead of the Congress on this issue, and they're way ahead of the administration." Obama! Here's your chance to prove that you aren't a war pres whose goal is endless war. And removing troops has the bi-partisan support you've been dying for. You got Osama and he wasn't even in Afghanistan. So why are we still there with our soldiers building schools? WE NEED THOSE HERE!! Not to mention the fortune we'd save so that maybe Medicare didn't have to hit the chopping block.


Opposition to the conflict is now mainstream, with the vast majority of the American public favoring a substantial drawdown of U.S. troops. With the death of bin Laden, the growing cost of operations and frustrated constituents, an increasing group of congressional lawmakers is also voicing concerns. Even within the Obama administration, there are reports of some aides pushing for a strong drawdown.

The most dramatic display of this shift came in the House last week when 204 lawmakers -- 178 Democrats and 26 Republicans -- voted for Rep. Jim McGovern's (D-Mass.) legislation requiring President Obama to present a plan "with a timeframe and completion date" for the transfer of military operations to Afghan authorities. The measure fell just 12 votes short of passage. A similar amendment in the last Congress received 138 votes in support and only seven supporting votes cast by Republicans.