Charities are so hard hit by the recession. If people can't meet their own bills, they can't be too generous. This enables you to give with a simple click. I voted for Hetrick-Martin as I've seen their wonderful work first-hand. They are NYC's only GLBT high school which gives out kids a safe place to learn. Many are from sketchy neighborhoods in which they are not sage in a regular school.

The Lady Gaga + Robin Hood $1 Million for NYC Youth will donate $500,000 to the charity receiving the most votes on Facebook this week.
The Hetrick-Martin Institute is one of the designated charities. HMI serves at-risk LGBT young people through its work with the Harvey Milk High School, after-school programs in New York City and Newark, NJ, and advocacy for and support of other organizations serving these young people in other cities.

Voting is easy:
* Go to Lady Gaga’s Facebook page by clicking here: FACEBOOK
* Click “Like” to be able to vote
* Click on the Vote tab and choose The Hetrick-Martin Institute
Please vote as many times as you can. Thanks for supporting HMI!

The Lady Gaga + Robin Hood $1 Million for NYC Youth will donate $500,000 to the charity receiving the most votes on Facebook this week.
The Hetrick-Martin Institute is one of the designated charities. HMI serves at-risk LGBT young people through its work with the Harvey Milk High School, after-school programs in New York City and Newark, NJ, and advocacy for and support of other organizations serving these young people in other cities.

Voting is easy:
* Go to Lady Gaga’s Facebook page by clicking here: FACEBOOK
* Click “Like” to be able to vote
* Click on the Vote tab and choose The Hetrick-Martin Institute
Please vote as many times as you can. Thanks for supporting HMI!
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