April 08, 2011


A new poll shows that among likely Republican voters, Donald Trump comes in as the second choice for president--after Mitt Romney. Among tea party Republicans, he's their top choice. Do you need any more proof that the GOP is the party of idiots? They have a history of electing crap actors, but at least Reagan and The Governator were from Hollywood--not reality TV!

Please let Trump run on the GOP ticket--he's already toyed with runs in '88 and '99. Morons perceive him as a good businessman who will put this country back on track--despite the fact that his businesses consistently fail. He only plays a tycoon on TV.

The really sad thing about this is that Trump wasn't seriously running at first--just trying to grab headlines and thus ratings for his flagging reality show. But dumb-ass republicans took him seriously--mainly because he's come out strongly as a birther, which many more qualified GOP candidates are scared to say. I'm all for investigating conspiracy theories, but how does anyone who professes to love this country so much that they'd lay down their life for it distrust our political system of checks and balances SO much that a muslim terrorist could attain the highest office in the land? I guess that's the point of the tea party--discredit it so they can shrink it down.