January 13, 2011


Obama and Republicans both polling better and people feel that they can work together to solve the country's woes? ABSURD! That's because Obama is turning into a Rep by giving tax cuts to millionaires and hinting at undermining social sec. Our woes are caused by 2 terms of Bush, the Republican. These polls prove how stupid we truly are.


WASHINGTON — Americans give higher marks to President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans after a holiday season of compromise paid dividends for both, according to the latest Associated Press-GfK poll.

At the start of the divided government era, the survey found that 53 percent of Americans approve of how Obama is doing his job, his best numbers since the divisive health care vote 10 months ago.

And, compared with just after the November elections, more now express confidence that Obama and the new Republican-controlled House can work together to solve the country's most urgent problems, chief among them the struggling economy.