Drag, especially your kind of drag, is humorous. Do you think the world of fashion needs to laugh at itself a little more?
LB: Don’t crucify me, but fashion in a recession is already a joke! Who can afford a $1,000 handbag that will go out of style in one year? People are losing their homes! I’ve seen many designers making cheaper lines to reflect this.
Anyone who follows you on Facebook knows how political you are. Is it hard to protest in five-inch pumps?
LB: No! My shoes are not the only platforms I stand on! Look, fashion and drag are fun and frivolous. But the world is in such a mess that everyone with a head on their shoulders needs to pull together and face some of the huge array of issues facing us: global warming and other environmental disasters like the BP spill, interests of corporations over people, the rise of racism coming from the Republican camp, the death of our education system — need I go on? I watched an episode of Project Runway with a bunch of gays a few years ago. They were squealing, “I hate that challenge!” or authoritatively pronouncing, “They should have never paired those two and given them that model.” I wish that gays, who are treated as second-class citizens who can’t marry or serve in the military, had as much passion for their own rights as they have about some fictitious competition’s fashion wrongs. And yes, gays — when a crazy-looking drag queen like me has to tell you that you’re shallow and unbalanced, YOU ARE REALLY OFF!

Drag, especially your kind of drag, is humorous. Do you think the world of fashion needs to laugh at itself a little more?
LB: Don’t crucify me, but fashion in a recession is already a joke! Who can afford a $1,000 handbag that will go out of style in one year? People are losing their homes! I’ve seen many designers making cheaper lines to reflect this.
Anyone who follows you on Facebook knows how political you are. Is it hard to protest in five-inch pumps?
LB: No! My shoes are not the only platforms I stand on! Look, fashion and drag are fun and frivolous. But the world is in such a mess that everyone with a head on their shoulders needs to pull together and face some of the huge array of issues facing us: global warming and other environmental disasters like the BP spill, interests of corporations over people, the rise of racism coming from the Republican camp, the death of our education system — need I go on? I watched an episode of Project Runway with a bunch of gays a few years ago. They were squealing, “I hate that challenge!” or authoritatively pronouncing, “They should have never paired those two and given them that model.” I wish that gays, who are treated as second-class citizens who can’t marry or serve in the military, had as much passion for their own rights as they have about some fictitious competition’s fashion wrongs. And yes, gays — when a crazy-looking drag queen like me has to tell you that you’re shallow and unbalanced, YOU ARE REALLY OFF!
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