April 30, 2009


I usually prefer to see Shakespeare done in the time period in which it was written in, but this all make cast set in a prison sounds interesting to check out--if Shakespeare is your cup of AZT. Even though it is sponsored by Bloomberg. I haven't been keeping an eye on local politics, but apparently he's a nightmare who has already signed his own law enabling him to serve a 3rd term and he's so rich that he can buy the truth. Apparently, he got this through by buying off the would-be front-runner guaranteeing them enough campaign contributions to win after he (if he) decides to chuck the notion of a 4th term.


I write to spread the word about an exciting Shakespeare production coming soon to the BAM Harvey Theater. From May 6—17, the fiercely physical, all-male Shakespeare troupe Propeller returns to BAM with a staging of The Bard’s still-incendiary work The Merchant of Venice—and we want you to be there.

Why? Because director Edward Hall sets the play in a prison, of all places. Or because The Guardian (UK) called the production “spot on in every way.” Or maybe just because Propeller’s take on Shakespeare is as fiery, audacious, and textually committed as any troupe we’ve ever seen. If you were lucky enough to catch them in Twelfth Night or Taming of the Shrew (BAM 2007 Spring Season), then you need no convincing. Otherwise, reserve your seats today for what promises to be an absolutely unforgettable show.