April 04, 2009


It was so wonderful to hear John McCain hinting that he had made the wrong choice when asked recently on the news if he would support his former running mate in her presidential bid. He actually claimed that the GOP had several other fine candidates, including the pitiful Bobby Jindal who made that universally-reviled (by both dems and repubs alike) rebuttal to Obama's speech on the economy.

But I think it's so wonderful that Palin's family ties to trash continue to surface. squashing her chances even further. I realize that having a thieving sister-in-law doesn't damn Sarah, but I'll use any ammunition against that freak that I can find. Michelle Obama was slightly rebuffed for touching the queen of England the other day. Imagine if Palin were running thr country and introducing the Elizabeth to Trig, the first bastard.


ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Police say Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's sister-in-law is accused of breaking into the same home twice to steal money.

Deputy Wasilla Police Chief Greg Wood says 35-year-old Diana Palin was arrested Thursday after she was confronted by the homeowner in the governor's hometown of Wasilla. She faces two counts of felony burglary and misdemeanor counts of criminal trespass and theft.