April 03, 2009


So I'm in Dallas performing and was shocked that my sorta ritzy hotel had this sitting on the coffee table.

As Obama wows the international set with a diplomatic "let's work together" vibe as opposed to Bush's "You're either for us or aginst us", The Decider is welcomed back in Big D. Obama is squashing his legacy of crap on an almost daily basis, but there is still some talk of monuments to the least popular president in recent history.

So far, the Library will include:

The Hurricane Katrina Room , which is still under construction and will be for some time....

The 'Decider Room' complete with dart board, magic 8-ball, Ouija board, dice, coins, and straws.

The Supreme Court's Gift Shop, where you can buy an election.

The National Debt Room which is solid gold, huge and has no ceiling.

The Alberto Gonzales Room, where you won't be able to remember anything.

The Texas Air National Guard Room, where you don't even have to show up.

The Walter Reed Hospital Room, where they don't let you in.

The Guantanamo Bay Room, where they don't let you out.

The Weapons of Mass Destruction Room, which no one has been able to find.

The 'Tax Cut' Room with entry only to the wealthy.

The 'Economy Room' which is in the toilet.

The Iraq War Room. After you complete your first tour, they make you go back for a second, third, fourth, and sometimes fifth tour.

The Dick Cheney Room, in the undisclosed location, complete with shotgun gallery.

The Environmental Conservation Room, still empty.

The Airport Men's Room, where you can meet some of your favorite Republican Senators.

The museum will also have an electron microscope to help you locate the President's minute accomplishments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you had to see that. I was at Woody's the other night (got your autograph too) Most people here are not happy this fool is back. BTW, you were great!

3:00 PM  

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