November 06, 2008


This is from FOX news, the most conservative propaganda masquerading as new out there. The dumb bitch Palin though that Africa was a country! This is shocking.


Blogger Haphogisma said...

This is from FOX news, the most conservative propaganda masquerading as new out there. The dumb bitch Palin though that Africa was a country! This is shocking."

What's shocking is your atrocious spelling. You call yourself a Blogger?. . .

Looks like the quintessential "Dumb Bitch" is callin' the kettle black. . lol

quin·tes·sen·tial (kwĭn'tə-sěn'shəl) - adj. Of, relating to, or having the nature of a quintessence; being the most typical: "Liszt was the quintessential romantic"

[kwin-tes-uhns] – noun
1. the pure and concentrated essence of a substance.
2. the most perfect embodiment of something.

^ Hope that helps ya out. . wouldn't want you to hurt yer wittle ol self on such a big big wurd. . lol. . .

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Sarah Palin's aide, oh, I mean, haphogisma, I'm sure Bunny knows how to spell "news". It was a simple typo. It's a shame that Mr. Obama's victory has you so upset.

9:29 PM  
Blogger Haphogisma said...

LB Makes stupid typos all the time. I guess he hasn't heard of of spell check. . . :-(

Upset me so?. . .

Nothing further from the truth.

You must have missed my previous post on Obama, ya schmuck. . .lol

As most Americans, I hope he follows through with what got him into office in the first place and isn't just a bunch of BS hype that every President in the past has never followed through with. . .

Campaign promises were made to be broken. . .

Clinton ran on the same shit and all we got from him was a stained dress and images of a fat girl wearing a beret with a cigar stuck in her pussy. . .

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I guess he hasn't heard of of spell check. . . :-( "

Yeah, Bunny, haven't you heard of of spell check?

5:28 PM  

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