posted by Lady Bunny at Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Awwww that's funny but kinda sad at the same time. No, you silly moose! That statue doesn't have a pagina!
I see moose peen! (He's going to hurt himself.)
In this case, one could argue "statue-tory" rape, but it would be a moose point!
That's a male buffalo, so this is homosexual ass rape, the richest kind! If you're gonna do it, do it right!
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Awwww that's funny but kinda sad at the same time. No, you silly moose! That statue doesn't have a pagina!
I see moose peen! (He's going to hurt himself.)
In this case, one could argue "statue-tory" rape, but it would be a moose point!
That's a male buffalo, so this is homosexual ass rape, the richest kind! If you're gonna do it, do it right!
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