April 05, 2008


The music video is so new at this point that the idea foor this one is shocking. But the artist (barefoot) on a fountain where there are already people watching--did they even get a permit?--and make it look as though the tourists who were already milling around the fountain are your audience. Cuckoo! And why oes she keep looking over to her right-at the director? But it's such a great song.

Here's Linda synching RED LIGHT from FAME in an early version of the MC Hammer doodoo britches which make her look positively deformed. And you'll never guess who pops up in the middle of this song!

And finally, here's her on some French Solid Gold-type show synch-ing IF MY FRIENDS COULD SEE ME NOW--backed by a horny spaceman????


Blogger Mark said...

damn i miss the old days of TV. deborah harry...HOT!

4:03 AM  
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1:13 AM  

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