I really appreciated the post-post modern structuralist demystification of gender as a reiterated performance a la Judith Butler, whilst at the same time s/he offers a nuanced reading of a feminist critique of capitalist misogynist seasonal narratives that surely challenges Foucault et al and the spurious premise of scientific rationalities.
Well said SS? I couldn't understand a pretentious word of it.
Poor jackie. My heart goes out to her, it really does. My advice is drink a bottle of gin, take a hot bath and have a fiddle about with a crochet hook, failing that, throw yourself down the cellar steps, that always works for me when I'm heavy with child.
Heel- hairy - arse!
Pope mum release, teach.
I really appreciated the post-post modern structuralist demystification of gender as a reiterated performance a la Judith Butler, whilst at the same time s/he offers a nuanced reading of a feminist critique of capitalist misogynist seasonal narratives that surely challenges Foucault et al and the spurious premise of scientific rationalities.
Well said, ss, I so agree with you!
Is it just me? Or is Jackie starting to look just like Chi Chi La Rue?
Well said SS? I couldn't understand a pretentious word of it.
Poor jackie. My heart goes out to her, it really does. My advice is drink a bottle of gin, take a hot bath and have a fiddle about with a crochet hook, failing that, throw yourself down the cellar steps, that always works for me when I'm heavy with child.
The gobbledegook was a spoof on pretentious post modern shite, but I guess it's so awful it's unspoofable!
I think Beat is funny and able to tie commentary in with drag without dragging it into the ground
I suck
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