Downtown nightlife personality and DJ is making uptown art.

Billy Erb (AKA DJ Billy Beyond) is presenting a collection of his photographs with an opening reception on November the 8th from 6 – 8 PM. Most recently known for his work as Art Director and Principal Photographer for Amy Sedaris’ “I Like You,” Billy has turned his exacting eye onto two subjects: Chandeliers and New York’s freshest faced model, Chandler Moss.
“It’s ancient grease,” says the somewhat sarcastic multi-talent, “the pictures are inspired by a quote from George Balanchine : ‘Classicism is enduring because it is impersonal.’ I chose ancient Greece as the setting for Chandler’s classic and timeless beauty… plus, when you throw a laurel wreath on their head it becomes art, not porno.”
The show promises limited edition prints of chandeliers and model Chandler in roles including the dirty slave and Narcissus.
“I read about the recently discovered Oxyrinchus Papyri and I thought…ANYTHING named ‘Oxyrinchus Paparyi’ has got to be good. This is the original version of the Narcissus myth and it’s all gay. The hetero slant wasn’t added till later.”
Join us for drinks and food on Thursday the 8th of November from 6 to 10 PM.
RIOT Manhattan hosts a gallery space with rotating artists monthly.
Now either Billy is extremely gifted or has waaaay too much time on his hands or both. There are not 1, not 2, but 3 fun youtube trailers for the photo show to give you a taste!
And check out Billy's other work on his brand new website, BILLYERB.COM. His subjects range from Loretta Hogg to Princess Zoraya to desert still lifes. Or should that be still lives?

Billy Erb (AKA DJ Billy Beyond) is presenting a collection of his photographs with an opening reception on November the 8th from 6 – 8 PM. Most recently known for his work as Art Director and Principal Photographer for Amy Sedaris’ “I Like You,” Billy has turned his exacting eye onto two subjects: Chandeliers and New York’s freshest faced model, Chandler Moss.
“It’s ancient grease,” says the somewhat sarcastic multi-talent, “the pictures are inspired by a quote from George Balanchine : ‘Classicism is enduring because it is impersonal.’ I chose ancient Greece as the setting for Chandler’s classic and timeless beauty… plus, when you throw a laurel wreath on their head it becomes art, not porno.”
The show promises limited edition prints of chandeliers and model Chandler in roles including the dirty slave and Narcissus.
“I read about the recently discovered Oxyrinchus Papyri and I thought…ANYTHING named ‘Oxyrinchus Paparyi’ has got to be good. This is the original version of the Narcissus myth and it’s all gay. The hetero slant wasn’t added till later.”
Join us for drinks and food on Thursday the 8th of November from 6 to 10 PM.
RIOT Manhattan hosts a gallery space with rotating artists monthly.
Now either Billy is extremely gifted or has waaaay too much time on his hands or both. There are not 1, not 2, but 3 fun youtube trailers for the photo show to give you a taste!
And check out Billy's other work on his brand new website, BILLYERB.COM. His subjects range from Loretta Hogg to Princess Zoraya to desert still lifes. Or should that be still lives?
Billy Erb is awesome!!
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