September 13, 2007


The New York Times:

DRAG queens, porn stars, washed-up rock stars, A-list fashion personnel and D-list celebrities: the coolest thing about Marc Jacobs, the designer who always insists that he’s not cool, is how he gathers around him, season after season and year after year, a posse of all the adorable high-school outcasts who avenged themselves on the Heathers of the world by becoming famous for something, sort of. Does it matter for what?

The satisfied hordes file out after the show.

“Why is Marc cool? I have no idea,” Lady Bunny, the D.J. drag queen whose signature hairdo is a platinum blond Niagara, said Monday night, in the long hours (two plus) before the Jacobs show began.

“Honey, I don’t know anything about fashion,” said the drag personality, who was born Jon Ingle an implausible 45 years ago and who actually sits on a fashion panel charged with judging style bloopers for Star magazine.

“I’m just his dealer and I have to get backstage,” Lady Bunny said then, adding quickly that he was just making a joke: “Ha ha ha.”

But, of course, the wisecrack was so inside, it played to the Jacobs mystique. Few of the more than 1,000 people who made it onto the guest list would be unaware that Mr. Jacobs has been in and out of rehab lately, as he would frankly tell you himself.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That article was a little shady toward you. But so what.

I love you in the Star!

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bunny, you should be one of the regular writers on that website!

5:27 PM  
Blogger Star Queen said...

when wit counts
count on LBN69

3:58 PM  

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