Ho ho ho!
It's that time of year again... time for Santa to dig himself out from his elf-and-reindeer hogpile, wash the vomit off his pants and join us for a madcap drunken joyous wandering of the city streets we know and love.

When: December 16th, 2006 10:10:10AM
Where: (Check here the night before, suckas)
Santacon is your opportunity to be Santa! You MUST dress like Santa, you SHOULD ho-ho-ho like Santa, you OUGHT TO give out gifts like Santa and (of course) YA GOTTA drink like Santa.
Is this some kind of political statement?
No. It's fun. Remember fun?
Who's in charge?
It's that time of year again... time for Santa to dig himself out from his elf-and-reindeer hogpile, wash the vomit off his pants and join us for a madcap drunken joyous wandering of the city streets we know and love.

When: December 16th, 2006 10:10:10AM
Where: (Check here the night before, suckas)
Santacon is your opportunity to be Santa! You MUST dress like Santa, you SHOULD ho-ho-ho like Santa, you OUGHT TO give out gifts like Santa and (of course) YA GOTTA drink like Santa.
Is this some kind of political statement?
No. It's fun. Remember fun?
Who's in charge?
GOD, I wish I could go to this! It looks like a blast...but that's during our Christmas show run--where I'm playing Santa (no puke in THIS beard)!
I would love to sit in Santa's lap and bounce up and down.
I've always wanted to sit on Santa's face.
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