...on the Death of Bob Denver (aka Gilligan from Gilligan's Island)
"Its a sad, sad day. I felt really sad while walking down the
street here in NY today. Tears.. . .My condolences to wife Drema
and his family. Bob is TV history! .....He will be missed by so
many friends for his life and talent....The fun, the laughter, and
joy will continue forever. His boyish charm worked for both
children & adults..he will be so missed...."
Tina Louise 9/6/05
Tina Louise Kills me! Sorry to hear about Bobby.......I keep thinking of his pot bust! VIVA GILLIGAN!
I forgot about his pot bust!!
(Guess I've ben smoking too much.) --B
I have loved Tina since I was a little boy she was the first woman I masturbated to looking at her hot dominant body
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