August 05, 2015


Obama is being hailed for his recent "bold" action on climate change. Did everyone forget the connection between fossil fuels and climate change? Did you possibly forget because oil companies advertise on our news stations to ensure that our news coverage soft-pedals that connection? Thanks to Obama, Shell is about to start long-term drilling in the Arctic, which is only possible now because global warming has melted the ice up there! Obama passed the buck on the dangerous Keystone pipeline which will give US all the health risks and hardly any of the profits or jobs created. He's allowed dangerous fracking and has approved testing and drilling for oil along the eastern seaboard. 
If we need to reduce our addiction to fossil fuels (which even Texas oil man George W. Bush admitted) then do we reduce it by producing it what we're addicted to? How is it that much poorer countries are effectively shifting to green energy but the US can't? Obama, you can't have a legacy as the president who took bold action on climate change when you're also giving out new permits for fossil fuels. I know the oil companies have given our politicians a fortune to enable them to make huge profits at the expense of the environment, but Obama can't give out new permits for fossil fuels and brag about reducing emissions at the same time.

Take Action: Recall Shell's Arctic Drilling Armada Now
Bowhead WhaleThe recent discovery of a 39-inch breach in the hull of one of Shell’s ice-handling vessels is a vivid reminder of the extreme dangers of offshore drilling in one of the wildest and most remote places on Earth.

The U.S. Government’s own analysis says there’s a 75% chance of a large oil spill if oil companies develop and produce in Arctic waters.

Polar bears, bowhead whales, walruses and countless other marine species depend on the Arctic’s waters for their survival.

Take Action Now: Urge Secretary Jewell not to let Shell drill exploration wells in the Chukchi Sea. 

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