March 12, 2015


Michael Musto's latest column for The Advocate. Interesting! I remember watching Bette on Larry King in 2003 saying that most gays she knew were promiscuous. I agreed with her because I am and have no interest in marriage. But gay marriage wasn't legal in 37 states then and seemed a long way away so marriage equality advocates screamed bloody murder at Bette. But she was just telling the truth. Telling MY truth anyway.

But I do make offensive jokes about women yet I do stand up for abortion rights, equal pay for women and rampant sexual abuse of women in our military and even college, where 1 out of 5 women are raped And I'm jealous. But I also enjoy  criticism of gay men and crude humor about their inner workings. So I'm unsure where I fall.

Gay Men Can’t Take Criticism

A lot of us like to dish it out, but we can’t always take it.

MUSTO: We talk a saucy talk and blithely mouth off on a variety of topics, but if someone in the spotlight offers criticism of us as a group, we’re as quick on the defensive as Shia Labeouf after being called an arrogant jerk. It makes sense. Many of us were bullied as kids — and continue to be harassed — simply because of our sexual orientation. What’s more, despite all the progress we’ve made in society, we’re one of the last groups that some people manage to get away with bashing in the media, and in life. No wonder we’re thin skinned—we’ve grown sensitive to being picked on and routinely bristle at a dis, especially one that’s internationally picked up by the media.

Naturally, when Bible-thumpers, bigots, and performers like Eminem rag on us, we want to scream and protest our lungs out. That’s perfectly honorable. But how about when celebrities who actually like gay people make fairly reasoned remarks about our behavior? Have things become so politically correct that we can’t even stop and listen before organizing a rally?"


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