March 19, 2015


A poor gal was walking past the construction of the Greenwich Lane apartments and a piece of plywood flies into her head. As if that wasn't bad enough, the force from the blow knocked her into the building. The Greenwich Lane is the former site of St. Vincent's Hospital. Debris also flew off the building site and struck someone in the head in 2014. So no more hospital, just construction causing head injuries including a fatality. By the time she reached Bellevue hospital, she was dead. Construction has been shut down for an investigation.  In 2013, the Dpt Of Buildings found that scaffolding on the 17th floor was not properly connected and a danger to workers and the public. 11 serious building code violations at this site since 2012. But hey, what are life and public safety worth when you can sell a penthouse for $45 million?


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