January 15, 2015


Rally Sunday Against City’s Decision to Replace Boardwalk with Concrete

Mark Treyger
United States

Jan 14, 2015 — Dear Friends,

Thank you for taking the time to sign this petition to designate the Riegelmann Boardwalk as a Scenic Landmark and prevent the city from moving forward with its plan to replace portions of this iconic structure with concrete. The response has been incredible from New Yorkers and people around the country who have great memories of the boardwalk. Unfortunately, the city has ignored our pleas and is proceeding with the replacement of some sections of wood without giving proper consideration to our landmarking request.

In response, we are gathering on Sunday at 1 p.m. along the boardwalk at Coney Island Avenue to send a message to the administration that we vehemently oppose this decision and want the city to reconsider before proceeding any further. It is important that as many of us as possible attend this rally to show the community’s clear and overwhelming opposition to the city's plan. Please stop by this Sunday and pass this information along to anyone else who agrees that the boardwalk must be preserved and maintained for future generations.

Thank you again for your support of this important effort, and do not hesitate to contact my district office at (718) 373-9673 with any questions.

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