January 27, 2015


Every politician blabs about the crumbling infrastructure. Every politician blabs about the need for jobs. But here's a guy who puts 2 and 2 together: employ people to make the repairs that everyone agrees we need.

BERNIE SANDERS: Americans need jobs. America's roads and bridges are in crisis. And our communities need more high-speed Internet and clean energy.
All of these problems have the same solution: We need big ideas that invest in America's infrastructure and create jobs.
Today, I'm introducing the Rebuild America Act -- a bold trillion-dollar infrastructure bill that is endorsed by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the AFL-CIO, and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

Some in Congress will be fearful of a proposal this big. I need your help to show my colleagues and the entire political world that the American people are not afraid of big ideas, are not afraid to create millions of jobs we desperately need, and are not afraid to rebuild America.

Can you sign the petition saying Americans want a big infrastructure jobs program? Click here to sign.
I met with the PCCC team last week to discuss infrastructure and other big ideas. And I'll need your activism to push big ideas like this to the center of the national debate.

When the Progressive Change Institute did a national poll this month, major investment in infrastructure was popular by 71% to 18%. That's a bipartisan landslide.
The public enthusiasm for big ideas is inspiring, and Congress needs to hear about it.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- Senator Bernie Sanders


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