December 06, 2014


As many of us are realizing what a joke Obamacare is, New Yorkers can sign this to call for real reform which makes health care affordable. It worked in Vermont. I know that my insurance company is going out of business and the options remaining, including the Obamacare plans, will probably force me to become uninsured. Though I'll be fined if I don't care to buy crappier insurance which is more expensive than what I had. If the ACA is Obama's "signature" legislation that is his "legacy" which he expended most of his early political capital on--then he's more of a flop than I realized. What a great "reform"--get fined by the government if you don't want to buy worse insurance because your insurance company is going out of business. Maybe I should try to get cancer, AIDS or some other pre-existing condition so that Obamacare becomes worth it. Otherwise, you spend so much on insurance and health care that you can't afford to save money, so your financial health is ruined.
Public Citizen’s Online Action Team: "What if insurance companies didn’t view the sick as a way to boost profits?
A bill in the New York state Legislature would make that a reality — with dramatically decreased dependence on for-profit middlemen who stand between you and your doctor, and with no premiums and no co-pays.
Send a message to your representatives in the New York state Legislature asking them to support the New York Health bill.
The reality is that the Affordable Care Act just doesn’t do enough. It leaves millions struggling on the margins, and an unforeseen loophole in the law means that as many as 3 million children could be left uninsured.
The United States can do better, and New York can lead the way.
Make sure your representatives support this game-changing legislation.
For more information, see my earlier message, copied below.
In 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered his historic Four Freedoms speech.
In 2014, we still haven’t realized a crucial freedom he outlined: freedom from fear. 
Much ink has been spent writing about freedom and the health care debate, but no one ever talks about the freedom from fear that comes from knowing you have access to quality health care if you get sick.
Thousands of New Yorkers don’t have that freedom. Instead, they live with the fear that an unexpected illness or injury could lead to crippling medical bills or even bankruptcy.
A new bill in the New York state Legislature would extend health care coverage to every New Yorker, taking a crucial step toward eliminating the daily fear that so many live with.
Send an email to your state legislators today and ask them to support the New York Health bill.
Universal health care means cutting the for-profit insurance industry out of the picture. It means no more premiums, no more deductibles and no more co-pays.
But most importantly, it means that a crucial human right is extended to every New Yorker: access to quality, comprehensive health care.
Tell your state assembly member and senator — right now — to support the New York Health bill.
Universal health care is well on its way to implementation in Vermont thanks to unflinching advocates like U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and Governor Peter Shumlin.
New York can join Vermont in leading the whole nation toward an inclusive, progressive health care system. 
Every New Yorker can be free from fear. Don’t wait to send a message to your state legislators supporting universal health care.
Thanks for all you do."
Kelly Ngo
Public Citizen’s Online Action Team


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