December 28, 2014


The big headline with the protests against police brutality against black males this weekend was that officers turned their backs on Mayor Diblasio at the funeral of the two slain officers. I guess they felt it was inappropriate for the mayor to have shown sympathy for people like Eric Garner, who police choked to death for selling loose cigarettes. 
But another headline is that protesters gathered to protest the out-of-control police's shooting of Akai Gurley. What? Hadn't heard of him yet? A young black guy with a 2 year old daughter was guilty of being in a dark stairway with his girlfriend. A rookie cop shot his gun by accident, he claimed. A cop who then texted his union before any medical services for Gurley as the victim lay dying--because saving the life of the guy he'd just wrongly shot was less important than saving his job after a fatal blunder. Gurley, described by police commissioner Bill Bratton as "a total innocent", was unarmed. 
DAILY NEWS: “That’s showing negligence,” said a law enforcement source of the pair’s decision to text their union rep before making a radio call for help.
“The guy is dying and you still haven’t called it in?”
To make things even worse, the officers were uncertain of the exact address of the building in the Pink Houses they were in, according to their text messages, the sources said.
The officer and his partner weren't even supposed to be patrolling the Pink House at that time. I wonder if this cop will get off too?

Akai Gurley Protest Draws Hundreds In Brooklyn


EXCLUSIVE: Rookie NYPD officer who shot Akai Gurley in Brooklyn stairwell was texting union rep as victim lay dying

In the six and a half minutes after Peter Liang discharged a single bullet that struck Gurley, 28, he and his partner couldn't be reached, sources told the Daily News. And instead of calling for help for the dying man, Liang was texting his union representative. What's more, the sources said, the pair of officers weren't supposed to be patrolling the stairways of the Pink Houses that night.


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