December 21, 2014


Hillary is by far the democratic front-runner for president--with something like 56% of the vote with Elizabeth Warren at 9%. With those numbers, she's running whether she's announced it yet or not. And I won't begrudge her trying to develop a strategy. But to use that same strategy that failed Obama--reaching across the aisle to Republicans in order to get things done--WILL NOT WORK AND WILL BETRAY HER PARTY. Many Republicans hate blacks and have used that against Obama, but they also hate women's rights in general and Hillary in particular. So while her strategy may get things done by reaching across the aisle to Republicans, EXACTLY WHAT will get done? Policies that Republicans like, driving the Democrats further to the center than Obama has and giving us two conservative parties with no progressive voice at the time we need one the most.

When what we need in everything from Wall Street reform, ending police profiling, ending corporate loopholes, taxing the rich, action on climate change, ending wars and rebuilding this country's crumbling infrastructure, fixing our insane student loan system to enacting true insurance reform, requires a deep systemic change. That will never come with an establishment candidate like Hillary.

HUFFPO: "We're told that Hillary Clinton is spurning something her advisors call the "anti-Wall Street" movement and will run instead on a platform of "working across the aisle" with Republicans. Her camp is suggesting, without much evidence and against the lessons of recent history, that she will be more effective at this endeavor than her predecessor. And now they're using that claim to fight against the Democratic Party's rising populist wing.

Is Hillary Clinton about to repeat Barack Obama's biggest mistake?

In the first two years of his presidency Obama spoke of compromise, protected Wall Street, and resisted the populist wing of his own party. Democrats lost the House of Representatives, but Obama kept offering "Grand Bargains." The GOP rejected most of his overtures, even the Social Security benefit cuts they had long championed, and didn't hesitate to use them against Democrats on the campaign trail.

By selling himself as someone who could get things done with Republicans, Obama gave them the power to make him a success or failure. Unsurprisingly, they chose the latter option. Is Hillary Clinton about to make the same mistake -- and will voters buy it if she does?"

Hillary's Choice: 'Anti-Gridlock' or 'Anti-Wall Street'?


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