December 19, 2014


We, the undersigned, urge the Senate to repeal the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling with a constitutional amendment that allows local, state, and federal governments to place commonsense limits on campaign contributions. We support political reform that places everyday Americans, not billionaire and corporate donors, at the center of our democracy.


Overturn Citizens United

In 2014, we saw the influence of big money and corporate dollars on our democracy – sadly big money and corporations won.
The Koch Brothers reportedly spent $290 million dollars in 2014 and, unfortunately, their money was well spent. They protected the House and took over the Senate by buying their way into power.
We can’t have more disastrous results in 2016. Adding a Republican President to the GOP controlled House and Senate would be catastrophic for everyday Americans. 
We must overturn Citizens United before 2016. We can’t let billionaires like the Koch Brothers buy another election. Sign our petition to end Citizen United’s harmful influence.
The Supreme Court destroyed our democracy by giving corporations and the super-rich an avenue to buy elections. We need to overturn the Citizens United and McCutcheon and ensure every American has an equal share in our democracy.

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