May 24, 2005


Or for a slightly lighter broadcast: my technologically backward ass was wrenched into the 21st century world of podcasting by the bloated, yeast-infected, jewish lesbian Madge Weinstein. Check our our podcast on her site: We got so chatty on coffee and pastries that we knocked out 2 whole shows discussing everything from Wanda Wisdom to dance music to (natch!) yeast! Give a listen!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the interview(s). I had so much fun and hope we can do it again soon! Love, Madge

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TOUCHING,Stephanie Leavins is a wonderful person,the idea that a person would put someone down in a wheelchair shows the mental state of mind of a pea brain,that has their brain in their pants instead of where GOD intended,you lesbian asshole.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Lady Bunny said...

Wow, are you ever a dunce! I never said I was smart, but you're too fucking ignorant to even post a comment about a blog entry on or anywhere near the blog entry. My brain may be in my pants but at least I have one. Why on earth would you think I was a lesbian? A couple possibilites: you're stupid, you don't know what a lesbian is, or you're blind.

And for the record, I am NOT putting Stephanie down for being in a wheelchair. I'm putting her down because from a wheelchair, between singing about god, she shoots animals for fun. Technically impressive, perhaps, but morally bankrupt if you ask me. Someone who hasn't got the use of their own limbs would see fit to maim and murder other creatures, and proclaim to be a christian? Nonsense! Kind of like how George Bush is killing thousands in Iraq but is a born-again christian. You morons don't even understand your own religion. Thou shalt not kill, remember that one?

I'll even concede that Stephanie may be, as you say, a wonderful person in some ways. But in other ways she's a thoughtless butcher. You'd think a cripple who life has dealt a harsh blow might think twice about dealing harsh blows to god's other creatures. But Stephanie's proud of her ability to kill and I think that makes her fair game for ridicule.

12:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't tell from the interview if I'm off the hook yet... I'll assume the whole thing is just a horrible misunderstanding and really you want to be gal pals.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Lady Bunny said...

Yes, dearie! I was KIDDING and you are off the hook! But doesn't being "on the hook" make you feel kind of "fishy"? Admit it, slut! --B

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^ nice blog!! ^@^

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8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^

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8:19 PM  

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